What is a Workflow?Filters
Alignment, assembly and annotation of RNQSEQ reads using TOPHAT (without filtering out host reads).
Alignment, assembly RNASEQ reads and annotation of generated transcripts.
Alignment, assembly and annotation of RNASEQ reads as well as annotation of generated transcripts.
Alignment, assembly and annotation of generated transcripts from RNASEQ reads.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected]; [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using SAMTools.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.
Detects SNPs and INDELs using VARSCAN2.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected] & [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using GATK4.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected]; [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using VARSCAN.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected] & [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for genomic variant detection using GATK4.
It is hoped to be effective and useful for getting SARS-CoV-2 genome variants.
It uses Illumina RNASEQ reads and genome sequence.