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The Australian BioCommons enhances digital life science research through world class collaborative distributed infrastructure. It aims to ensure that Australian life science research remains globally competitive, through sustained strategic leadership, research community engagement, digital service provision, training and support.

Teams: Australian BioCommons, QCIF Bioinformatics, Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, Sydney Informatics Hub, Janis, Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP), Galaxy Australia, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) WorkflowHub team

Web page:

The goal of COVID-19-Biohackathon 2020 (COVID-19-BH20) is to develop and gather computational tools that can be useful for studying the biology of the virus and the disease.

The COVID-19 Programme in Workflow Hub aims to gather workflows for the analysis of COVID-19 molecular biology data and their metadata. In this programme, all workflows and their metadata will be curated and made interoperable, reusable and reproducible. All workflows and their metadata will be easily accessible to everyone ...

Teams: Connor Lab, GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2, InSaFLU, nf-core viralrecon, CWL workflow SARS-CoV-2, V-Pipe, Test team

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