
What is a Workflow?
1 Workflow visible to you, out of a total of 1

CLAWS (CNAG's Long-read Assembly Workflow in Snakemake)

Snakemake Pipeline used for de novo genome assembly @CNAG. It has been developed for Snakemake v6.0.5.

It accepts Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) reads, PacBio HFi reads, illumina paired-end data, illumina 10X data and Hi-C reads. It does the preprocessing of the reads, assembly, polishing, purge_dups, scaffodling and different evaluation steps. By default it will preprocess the reads, run Flye + Hypo + purge_dups + yahs and evaluate ...

Type: Snakemake

Creators: Jessica Gomez-Garrido, Fernando Cruz (CNAG), Francisco Camara (CNAG), Tyler Alioto (CNAG)

Submitter: Jessica Gomez-Garrido

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.567.2

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