
What is a Workflow?
5 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 5

MGnify's amplicon pipeline v5.0. Including the Quality control for single-end and paired-end reads, rRNA-prediction, and ITS sub-WFs.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Rand Zoabi, Paul Zierep, EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Classification and visualization of ITS regions.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Rand Zoabi, Paul Zierep, EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Quality control subworkflow for paired-end reads.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Rand Zoabi, Paul Zierep, EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Quality control subworkflow for single-end reads.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Rand Zoabi, Paul Zierep, MGnify - EMBL

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

Classification and visualization of SSU, LSU sequences.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: Rand Zoabi, Paul Zierep, EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot

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