
What is a Workflow?
2 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 2


Welcome to the pipesnake. Let's get started.


pipesnake is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for phylogenomic reconstruction starting from short-read 'second-generation' sequencing data.

The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It uses Docker/Singularity ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Ziad Al-Bkhetan, Ian Brennan

Submitter: Ziad Al-Bkhetan


HiFi de novo genome assembly workflow

HiFi-assembly-workflow is a bioinformatics pipeline that can be used to analyse Pacbio CCS reads for de novo genome assembly using PacBio Circular Consensus Sequencing (CCS) reads. This workflow is implemented in Nextflow and has 3 major sections.

Please refer to the following documentation for detailed description of each workflow section:

  • [Adapter filtration and pre-assembly quality control ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Naga Kasinadhuni, Ziad Al-Bkhetan, Martha Zakrzewski, Kenneth Chan, Uwe Winter, Johan Gustafsson

Submitter: Johan Gustafsson

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