
What is a Workflow?
3 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 3

This workflow can only work on an experimental setup with exactly 2 conditions. It takes two collections of count tables as input and performs differential expression analysis. Additionally it filters for DE genes based on adjusted p-value and log2 fold changes thresholds. It also generates informative plots.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pavankumar Videm

Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot


RNA-RNA interactome analysis using ChiRA tools suite. The aligner used is CLAN.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pavankumar Videm

Submitter: Pavankumar Videm


RNA-RNA interactome analysis using ChiRA tools suite. The aligner used is BWA-MEM.

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Pavankumar Videm

Submitter: Pavankumar Videm

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