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This workflow is part of the EJP RD case study on CAKUT published here: Bayjanov, J.R., Doornbos, C., Ozisik, O. et al. Integrative analysis of multi-omics data reveals importance of collagen and the PI3K AKT signalling pathway in CAKUT. Sci Rep 14, 20731 (2024).

Creator: Juma Bayjan

Submitter: Juma Bayjan

Protein domains can be viewed as building blocks, essential for understanding structure-function relationships in proteins. However, each domain database classifies protein domains using its own methodology. Thus, in many cases, boundaries between different domains or families differ from one domain database to the other, raising the question of domain definition and enumeration. The answer to this question cannot be found in a single database. Rather, expert integration and curation of various ...

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Creator: johan Rollin

Submitter: johan Rollin

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Creator: Liang Cheng

Submitter: Liang Cheng

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Creator: Jean-Marie Burel

Submitter: Jean-Marie Burel

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Creator: Jasper Koehorst

Submitter: Jasper Koehorst

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