What is a Collection?This is part of a series of workflows to annotate a genome, tagged with TSI-annotation
These workflows are based on command-line code by Luke Silver, converted into Galaxy Australia workflows.
The workflows can be run in this order:
- Repeat masking
- RNAseq QC and read trimming
- Find transcripts
- Combine transcripts
- Extract transcripts
- Convert formats
- Fgenesh annotation
This collection houses some scanpy-based scRNAseq workflows on galaxy Australia.
The aim of these workflows is to handle the routine ‘boring’ part of single cell RNAseq data processing. It will produces an ‘AnnData’ object, which can then be used as a base for downstream analysis – either within galaxy or outside of it. AnnData is a standard format used by the ‘scanpy’ python package.
These workflows represent just one way of processing data for a ‘typical’ scRNAseq experiment – there are many ...
The workflows in this collection are from the '16S Microbial Analysis with mothur' tutorial for analysis of 16S data (Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements), adapted for piepline use on galaxy australia (Ahmed Mehdi). The workflows developed in galaxy use mothur software package developed by Schloss et al
Please also refer to the 16S tutorials available at Galaxy ...
Maintainers: Sarah Williams, Ahmed Mehdi, Original galaxy workflow developers: Saskia Hiltemann, Bérénice Batut, Dave Clements
Number of items: 7
Tags: Not specified
This ARDC and BioCommons sponsored project delivers a key component of BioCommon’s vision for an ecosystem of platforms providing researchers with sophisticated data analysis and digital asset stewardship capabilities. The Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) Platform ( has enabled highly accessible, highly available, highly scalable analysis and data sharing capabilities for the benefit of life science researchers nationally.
**This WorkflowHub collection ...