
What is a Workflow?
21 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 21

Alignment, assembly and annotation of RNQSEQ reads using TOPHAT (without filtering out host reads).

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Ambarish Kumar


Alignment, assembly RNASEQ reads and annotation of generated transcripts.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Ambarish Kumar


Alignment, assembly and annotation of RNASEQ reads as well as annotation of generated transcripts.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Ambarish Kumar


Alignment, assembly and annotation of generated transcripts from RNASEQ reads.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Ambarish Kumar


Detects SNPs and INDELs using VARSCAN2.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Ambarish Kumar


Detects SNPs and INDELs.

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Ambarish Kumar

This workflow is used for the virtual screening of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease (de.NBI-cloud, STFC). It includes Charge enumeration, Generation of 3D conformations, Preparation of active site for docking using rDock, Docking, Scoring and Selection of compounds available. More info can be found at

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Tim Dudgeon, Simon Bray, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Björn Grüning, Rachael Skyner, Jack Scantlebury, Susan Leung, Frank von Delft

Submitter: Bert Droesbeke

This workflow combines SDF files from all fragments into a single dataset and filters to include only the lowest (best) scoring pose for each compound. This file of optimal poses for all ligands is used to compare to a database of Enamine and Chemspace compounds to select the best scoring 500 matches. More info can be found at

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Tim Dudgeon, Simon Bray, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Björn Grüning, Rachael Skyner, Jack Scantlebury, Susan Leung, Frank von Delft

Submitter: Bert Droesbeke

This workflow generates binding scores that correlate well with binding affinities using an additional tool TransFS, developed at Oxford University. More info can be found at

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Tim Dudgeon, Simon Bray, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Björn Grüning, Rachael Skyner, Jack Scantlebury, Susan Leung, Frank von Delft

Submitter: Bert Droesbeke

This workflow generates binding scores that correlate well with binding affinities using an additional tool SuCOS Max, developed at Oxford University. More info can be found at

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Tim Dudgeon, Simon Bray, Gianmauro Cuccuru, Björn Grüning, Rachael Skyner, Jack Scantlebury, Susan Leung, Frank von Delft

Submitter: Bert Droesbeke

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