
What is a Workflow?
2 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 2

SAMBA is a FAIR scalable workflow integrating, into a unique tool, state-of-the-art bioinformatics and statistical methods to conduct reproducible eDNA analyses using Nextflow. SAMBA starts processing by verifying integrity of raw reads and metadata. Then all bioinformatics processing is done using commonly used procedure (QIIME 2 and DADA2) but adds new steps relying on dbOTU3 and microDecon to build high quality ASV count tables. Extended statistical analyses are also performed. Finally, SAMBA ...

Type: Nextflow

Creators: Cyril Noel, Alexandre Cormier, Laura Leroi, Patrick Durand, Laure Quintric

Submitter: Cyril Noel

DOI: 10.48546/workflowhub.workflow.156.1


ORSON combine state-of-the-art tools for annotation processes within a Nextflow pipeline: sequence similarity search (PLAST, BLAST or Diamond), functional annotation retrieval (BeeDeeM) and functional prediction (InterProScan). When required, BUSCO completness evaluation and eggNOG Orthogroup annotation can be activated. While ORSON results can be analyzed through the command-line, it also offers the possibility to be compatible with BlastViewer or Blast2GO graphical tools.

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