
What is a Workflow?
2 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 4

Gene similariy anaylsis across physiological systems in IMPC phenotype data

A Jupyter Notebook tool for analysing user specified genes across the different physiological systems in IMPC data.


The tool takes as input a list of gene ids (MGI ids or Gene Symbol ids). The elemnts in the list could be separated by a comma, semicolumn, tab or newline.


The program will create an heatmap representing the number of phenotypes and the mp term list for each gene contained in ...

Type: Jupyter

Creators: Andrea Furlani, Philipp Gormanns

Submitter: Andrea Furlani

Phenotype similarity analysis

A Jupyter Notebook for analyzing phenotyping similarities across user specified genes. Phenotypes are retrieved from the MGI resource


The tool takes as input a list of gene ids (MGI ids or Gene Symbol ids). The elemnts in the list could be separated by a comma, semicolumn, tab or newline.


The Notebook will create a table where row and columns names are the Gene Symbols of the input elements and each cell will contain the name of the ...

Type: Jupyter

Creators: Andrea Furlani, Philipp Gormanns

Submitter: Andrea Furlani

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