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7 Events visible to you, out of a total of 7

EOSC-Life 3rd Open Call Biohackathon induction workshop

Start Date: 16th Dec 2021

End Date: 16th Dec 2021

Event Website:

Country: Not specified

City: Virtual

virtually co-located with the 17th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2021)

This discussion-focused workshop examines how the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles are and can be applied to eScience research objects beyond data. Invited speakers will present the idea of FAIR and its application to objects such as software, workflows, machine learning models, and executable notebooks, and where FAIR is going. Invited talks will be followed by a panel ...

Start Date: 20th Sep 2021

End Date: 20th Sep 2021

Event Website:

Country: Not specified

City: Virtual

The public and the press already expect to assess the trustworthiness of research relevant to pressing social and public health issues in terms of transparency. While widely recognized as a critical component of research reproducibility in principle, the promise of making research fully transparent—and scientific claims easier to evaluate—via reliable provenance has yet to be realized in full. In particular, it is still far from routine for researchers in the natural, social, and data sciences ...

Start Date: 22nd Jul 2021

End Date: 22nd Jul 2021

Event Website:

Country:  United States

City: Virtual

The FAIR Principles have two aspects: They were written specifically for research data and they also claim to be general for all research objects. In practice, this means that while the high-level concepts (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) are generally applicable, the details of the wording, their context, and how they are applied is not. Different groups have been studying how the FAIR principles could be applied to other types of research objects, such as research software, ...

Start Date: 22nd Jun 2021

End Date: 22nd Jun 2021

Event Website:

Country: Not specified

City: Virtual

Date: Friday 11 June 2021, 10.00 CEST

Chairs: Carole Goble, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, José María Fernández González and Frederik Coppens

In Life Sciences, experimental laboratory procedures usually have a lifespan since their first inception, wide adoption along the years, and later being superseded by others. The same applies to the analysis of the generated experimental data. Workflow Lifecycle represents the different states of workflows during their “life”. This workshop ...

Country: Not specified

City: Virtual

Scientific workflows capture precise descriptions of the steps and data dependencies needed to carry out computational experiments in many areas of Science, ranging from Astrophysics to Bioinformatics or Geosciences. In order to promote long-term usability and uptake by the scientific community, workflows (as well as the tools that integrate them) should become findable, accessible, understandable, reusable, and citable so that author’s credit is attributed fairly and accurately.

The work on ...

Start Date: 30th Nov 2020

End Date: 30th Nov 2020

Event Website:

Country: Not specified

City: Virtual

In the age of computational science, researchers in the life sciences – just as in other domains – regularly face the need of composing several individual software tools into pipelines or workflows that perform the specific data analysis processes that they need in their research. For over 20 years now, dedicated scientific workflow management systems have been supporting scientists in this task, and they continue to gain popularity. In fact, recent years have seen significant progress in the ...

Start Date: 7th Mar 2020

End Date: 13th Mar 2020

Event Website:

Country:  Netherlands

City: Leiden

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