Teams: CRIM - Computer Research Institute of Montréal
Organizations: CRIM

Expertise: AI, Machine Learning, Python, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering, Workflows, Geospatial, Computer Vision
Tools: CWL, Databases, Jupyter notebook, Python, Workflows, Conda, OGC
Teams: RECETOX SpecDatRI, RECETOX, usegalaxy-eu, ELIXIR Metabolomics
Organizations: Masaryk University, RECETOX

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Metabolomics, Python, R, Software Engineering, Workflows
Tools: Metabolomics, Python, R, Workflows, Mass spectrometry, Chromatography
Teams: Genome Data Compression Team
Organizations: Shenzhen University

Expertise: Bioinformatics
Tools: Workflows
Teams: FAIR Computational Workflows
Organizations: Telespazio UK
Expertise: Software Engineering, Reproducible Science, ARD (Analysis Ready Data), Data Quality, Space Industry
Tools: Workflows
Ground Segment Architect specialising in Reproducible Science, AI (Artificial Intelligence), ARD (Analysis Ready Data) and Quality initiatives in the space industry. Heavily involved in the architecture of Open Source solutions, frameworks and platforms.
Expertise: High Performance Computing, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering, astronomy
Tools: Galaxy, Jupyter notebook, Python, Workflows, Git
Teams: Chemical Data Lab
Organizations: Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc

Expertise: Cheminformatics
Tools: Jupyter notebook, Python, R, Workflows
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Genomics, Metagenomics, Data Management
Tools: CWL, Jupyter notebook, Nextflow, Molecular Biology, Workflows, Microbiology, Transcriptomics, Perl, Python, R
Teams: EU-Openscreen
Organizations: Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Machine Learning
Tools: Workflows
Expertise: Metagenomics
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Data Management, Genetics, Genomics, Machine Learning, Metagenomics, NGS, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering
Tools: Databases, Galaxy, Genomics, Jupyter notebook, Machine Learning, Nextflow, nf-core, PCR, Perl, Python, R, rtPCR, Snakemake, Transcriptomics, Virology, Web, Web services, Workflows
Dad, husband and PhD. Scientist, technologist and engineer. Bibliophile. Philomath. Passionate about science, medicine, research, computing and all things geeky!
Teams: EU-Openscreen, OME
Organizations: Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology ITMP

Expertise: Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics
Teams: MAB - ATGC
Organizations: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Genomics, algorithm, Machine Learning, Metagenomics, NGS, Computer Science
Tools: Transcriptomics, Genomics, Python, C/C++, Web services, Workflows
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Metabarcoding, Metagenomics
Teams: Harkany Lab
Organizations: Medical University of Vienna

Expertise: Systems Biology, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Neuroscience
Tools: Workflows, Machine Learning, Transcriptomics
Expertise: Bioinformatics
Bioinformatician in Stockholm, Sweden. Lead for nf-core and MultiQC projects.
Teams: V-Pipe
Organizations: SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Software Engineering
Medical doctor and bioinformatician
Developer from the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Working at the Computational Biology Group (CBG) of ETH Zurich.
Diplom in Medicine. MSc in Bioinformatics and Proteomics.
I am also a ski teacher as a hobby.
Teams: IBISBA Workflows
Organizations: Unspecified
Expertise: Bioinformatics
Tools: Workflows, Web services, Python
Teams: GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2
Organizations: BC Centre for Disease Control

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Data Management, Molecular Biology
Tools: Databases, PCR, Workflows, Web services