Flashlite-Trinity contains two workflows that run Trinity on the University of Queensland's HPC, Flashlite. Trinity performs de novo transcriptome assembly of RNA-seq data by combining three independent software modules Inchworm, Chrysalis and Butterfly to process RNA-seq reads. The algorithm can detect isoforms, handle paired-end reads, multiple insert sizes and strandedness. Users can run Flashlite-Trinity on single samples, or smaller samples requiring <500Gb of memory or staged Trinity which is recommended for global assemblies with multiple sample inputs. Both implementations make use of Singularity containers to install software.
Infrastructure_deployment_metadata: FlashLite (QRISCloud)
Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 18th Aug 2021 at 00:17 by Tracy Chew
Added/updated 1 files

Additional credit
Cali Willet
Views: 3714 Downloads: 455
Created: 18th Aug 2021 at 00:17
Last updated: 7th Sep 2021 at 07:27
