Workflow 2: Community Profile

Workflow Type: Galaxy

Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short)

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial Workflow 2: Community Profile, available in the GTN


Thanks to...

Tutorial Author(s): Pratik Jagtap, Subina Mehta, Ray Sajulga, Bérénice Batut, Emma Leith, Praveen Kumar, Saskia Hiltemann, Paul Zierep, Engy Nasr

Workflow Author(s): Bérénice Batut, Pratik Jagtap, Subina Mehta, Ray Sajulga, Emma Leith, Praveen Kumar, Saskia Hiltemann, Paul Zierep

gtn star logo followed by the word workflows


ID Name Description Type
QC controlled forward reads #main/QC controlled forward reads n/a
  • File
QC controlled reverse reads #main/QC controlled reverse reads n/a
  • File


ID Name Description
2 Taxonomic assignation
3 Cut Cut1
4 Krona pie chart
5 Export to GraPhlAn
6 Generation, personalization and annotation of tree
7 Visualisation (GraPhlAn)


ID Name Description Type
Export to GraPhlAn on input dataset(s): Annotation #main/Export to GraPhlAn on input dataset(s): Annotation n/a
  • File
Export to GraPhlAn on input dataset(s): Tree #main/Export to GraPhlAn on input dataset(s): Tree n/a
  • File
Generation, personalization and annotation of tree on input dataset(s): Tree in PhyloXML #main/Generation, personalization and annotation of tree on input dataset(s): Tree in PhyloXML n/a
  • File
GraPhlAn on input dataset(s): PNG #main/GraPhlAn on input dataset(s): PNG n/a
  • File
MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): BIOM file #main/MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): BIOM file n/a
  • File
MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): Bowtie2 output #main/MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): Bowtie2 output n/a
  • File
MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): Predicted taxon relative abundances #main/MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): Predicted taxon relative abundances n/a
  • File
MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): SAM file #main/MetaPhlAn on input dataset(s): SAM file n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_1 #main/_anonymous_output_1 n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_2 #main/_anonymous_output_2 n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_3 #main/_anonymous_output_3 n/a
  • File
_anonymous_output_4 #main/_anonymous_output_4 n/a
  • File

Version History

1.0 (earliest) Created 25th Jun 2024 at 10:56 by Helena Rasche

Added/updated 4 files

Open master 9e52c78
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Views: 157   Downloads: 61

Created: 25th Jun 2024 at 10:56

Last updated: 25th Jun 2024 at 10:56

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Total size: 140 KB
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