Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
main @ 97122f2

Workflow Type: Common Workflow Language

CWL version of the md_list.cwl workflow for HPC. This performs a system setup and runs a molecular dynamics simulation on the structure passed to this workflow. This workflow uses the md_gather.cwl sub-workflow to gather the outputs together to return these. To work with more than one structure this workflow can be called from either the md_launch.cwl workflow, or the md_launch_mutate.cwl workflow. These use scatter for parallelising the workflow. md_launch.cwl operates on a list of individual input molecule files. md_launch_mutate.cwl operates on a single input molecule file, and a list of mutations to apply to that molecule. Within that list of mutations, a value of 'WT' will indicate that the molecule should be simulated without any mutation being applied.

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ID Name Description Type
step1_pdb_file Input file Molecule to process (PDB format)
  • File
step2_editconf_config Editconf configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step4_grompp_genion_config GROMACS grompp configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step5_genion_config Genion configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step6_grompp_min_config GROMACS grompp configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step8_make_ndx_config GROMACS make_ndx configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step9_grompp_nvt_config GROMACS grompp configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step11_grompp_npt_config GROMACS grompp configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step13_grompp_md_config GROMACS grompp configuration dictionary n/a
  • string
step14_mdrun_md_config GROMACS mdrun configuration dictionary n/a
  • string


ID Name Description
step1_pdb2gmx Create Protein System Topology
step2_editconf Create Solvent Box
step3_solvate Fill the Box with Water Molecules
step4_grompp_genion Add Ions - part 1
step5_genion Add Ions - part 2
step6_grompp_min Energetically Minimize the System - part 1
step7_mdrun_min Energetically Minimize the System - part 2
step8_make_ndx Generate GROMACS index file
step9_grompp_nvt Equilibrate the System (NVT) - part 1
step10_mdrun_nvt Equilibrate the System (NVT) - part 2
step11_grompp_npt Equilibrate the System (NPT) - part 1
step12_mdrun_npt Equilibrate the System (NPT) - part 2
step13_grompp_md Free Molecular Dynamics Simulation - part 1
step14_mdrun_md Free Molecular Dynamics Simulation - part 2
step15_gather_outputs Archiving outputs to be returned to user This uses the local md_gather.cwl workflow to gather all desired output files. A filter for missing files is applied (pickValue: all_non_null), which requires using a runner which is compliant with v1.2.0, or later, CWL standards.


ID Name Description Type
dir whole workflow output outputs from the whole workflow, containing these optional files: step14_mdrun_md/output_trr_file: Raw trajectory from the free simulation step step14_mdrun_md/output_gro_file: Raw structure from the free simulation step. step14_mdrun_md/output_cpt_file: GROMACS portable checkpoint file, allowing to restore (continue) the simulation from the last step of the setup process. step13_grompp_md/output_tpr_file: GROMACS portable binary run input file, containing the starting structure of the simulation, the molecular topology and all the simulation parameters. step5_genion/output_top_zip_file: GROMACS topology file, containing the molecular topology in an ASCII readable format.
  • Directory

Version History

main @ 97122f2 (earliest) Created 22nd Jun 2021 at 09:55 by Douglas Lowe

Improving documentation of workflows.

Frozen main 97122f2
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Created: 22nd Jun 2021 at 09:55

Last updated: 23rd Aug 2021 at 20:22

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