Related items
Teams: ERGA Assembly, ERGA Annotation
Organizations: Applied Omics Wóycicki

Welcome to the ERGA Space!
Here we collect, curate and develop pipelines to assemble and annotation reference-quality genomes for all eukaryotic life.
For Genome Assembly pipelines head to our Assembly Team
For Genome Annotation pipelines head to our Annotation Team
Development, discussions and issue tracking takes place in the ERGA github repo
If you would like to join ...
Teams: ERGA Assembly, ERGA Annotation
Web page:
A collection of workflows and pipelines developed as part of the ERGA consortium
Space: ERGA
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
A collection of workflows designed to annotate elements of the genome. These include repeat regions, protein-coding genes, ncRNA, miRNA.
Space: ERGA
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified