
What is a Collection?
4 Collections visible to you, out of a total of 5

EuCanImage FHIR ETL Implementation

This repository contains the ETL implementation for EuCanImage, encouraging semantic interoperability of the clinical data obtained in the studies by transforming it into a machine-readable format following FHIR standards. This parser uses FHIR Resources in order to create the dictionaries following a FHIR compliant structure.

Maintainers: Aldar Cabrelles

Number of items: 5

Tags: Not specified

A set of generic and automatic workflows designed to: 

  • Run on-the-fly and unattended.

  • Maintain robust stability for a wide range of samples.

  • Covers steps from movies to CTF estimation (for the moment).

  • Monitor the acquisition process and provide user feedback.

  • Comprise three proposed workflows, each with an additional layer of complexity.

Maintainers: Daniel Marchan

Number of items: 4

Tags: scipion, cryoem, spa, image processing

Collection of workflows exploring data in the Image Data Resource (IDR).

Maintainers: Jean-Marie Burel, Sébastien Besson

Number of items: 6

Tags: Not specified

TronFlow is an open source collection of computational workflows originally conceived for tumor-normal somatic variant calling over whole exome data and the manipulation of BAM and VCF files with the aim of having comparable and analysis-ready data. Over time, we have extended it to germline variant calling, copy numbers and other related technologies and analyses.

Its modular architecture covers different analytical and methodological use cases that allow analysing FASTQ files into analysis-ready ...

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