The members of the Applied Computational Biology group at the Institute of Experimental Genetics (IEG) at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, all possessing deep IT knowledge and experience and a strong command of the IT toolbox. As a team, we work at the interface between biology and applied computer sciences in our institute as well as in external collaborations.
Space: Independent Teams
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Organisms: No Organisms specified
WorkflowHub PALs: No PALs for this Team
Team created: 8th Oct 2021
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Teams: Applied Computational Biology at IEG/HMGU
Organizations: Helmholtz Zentrum München
Teams: Applied Computational Biology at IEG/HMGU
Organizations: Helmholtz Zentrum München

Expertise: Software Engineering, Machine Learning, AI
Tools: Java, Jupyter notebook, Web services, Python
A space managed by WorkflowHub administrators for teams that don't want/need to manage their own space.
Teams: IBISBA Workflows, NMR Workflow, UNLOCK, NanoGalaxy, Galaxy Climate, PNDB, IMBforge, COVID-19 PubSeq: Public SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Resource, LBI-RUD, Nick-test-team, usegalaxy-eu, Italy-Covid-data-Portal, UX trial team, Integrated and Urban Plant Pathology Laboratory, SARS-CoV-2 Data Hubs, lmjxteam2, virAnnot pipeline, Ay Lab, iPC: individualizedPaediatricCure, Harkany Lab, MOLGENIS, EJPRD WP13 case-studies workflows, Common Workflow Language (CWL) community, Testing, SeBiMER, IAA-CSIC, MAB - ATGC, Probabilistic graphical models, GenX, Snakemake-Workflows, ODA, IPK BIT, CO2MICS Lab, FAME, CHU Limoges - UF9481 Bioinformatique / CNR Herpesvirus, Quadram Institute Bioscience - Bioinformatics, HecatombDevelopment, Institute of Human Genetics, Testing RO Crates, Test Team, Applied Computational Biology at IEG/HMGU, INFRAFRONTIER workflows, OME, TransBioNet, OpenEBench, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (BIO2 ) Core, VIB Bioinformatics Core, CRC Cohort, ICAN, MustafaVoh, Single Cell Unit, CO-Graph, emo-bon, TestEMBL-EBIOntology, CINECA, Toxicology community, Pitagora-Network, Workflows Australia, Medizinisches Proteom-Center, Medical Bioinformatics, AGRF BIO, EU-Openscreen, X-omics, ELIXIR Belgium, URGI, Size Inc, GA-VirReport Team, The Boucher Lab, Air Quality Prediction, pyiron, CAPSID, Edinburgh Genomics, Defragmentation TS, NBIS, Phytoplankton Analysis, Seq4AMR, Workflow registry test, Read2Map, SKM3, ParslRNA-Seq: an efficient and scalable RNAseq analysis workflow for studies of differentiated gene expression, de.NBI Cloud, Meta-NanoSim, ILVO Plant Health, EMERGEN-BIOINFO, KircherLab, Apis-wings, BCCM_ULC, Dessimoz Lab, TRON gGmbH, GEMS at MLZ, Computational Science at HZDR, Big data in biomedicine, TRE-FX, MISTIC, Guigó lab, Statistical genetics, Delineating Regions-of-interest for Mass Spectrometry Imaging by Multimodally Corroborated Spatial Segmentation, OLCF-WES, Bioinformatics Unit @ CRG, Bioinformatics Innovation Lab, BSC-CES, ELIXIR Proteomics, Black Ochre Data Labs, Zavolan Lab, Metabolomics-Reproducibility, Team Cardio, NGFF Tools, Bioinformatics workflows for life science, Workflows for geographic science, Pacific-deep-sea-sponges-microbiome, CSFG, SNAKE, Katdetectr, INFRAFRONTIER GmbH, PerMedCoE, Euro-BioImaging, EOSC-Life WP3 OC Team, cross RI project, ANSES-Ploufragan, SANBI Pathogen Bioinformatics, Biodata Analysis Group, DeSci Labs, Erasmus MC - Viroscience Bioinformatics, ARA-dev, Mendel Centre for Plant Genomics and Proteomics, Metagenomic tools, WorkflowEng, Polygenic Score Catalog, bpm, scNTImpute, Systems Biotechnology laboratory, Cimorgh IT solutions, MLme: Machine Learning Made Easy, Hurwitz Lab, Dioscuri TDA, Scipion CNB, System Biotechnology laboratory, yPublish - Bioinfo tools, NIH CFDE Playbook Workflow Partnership, MMV-Lab, EMBL-CBA, EBP-Nor, Evaluation of Swin Transformer and knowledge transfer for denoising of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy data, Bioinformatics Laboratory for Genomics and Biodiversity (LBGB), multi-analysis dFC, CholGen, RNA group, Plant Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy, Pathogen Genomic Laboratory, Chemical Data Lab, JiangLab, Pangenome database project, HP2NET - Framework for construction of phylogenetic networks on High Performance Computing (HPC) environment, Center for Open Bioimage Analysis, Generalized Open-Source Workflows for Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Viral Helicases, Historical DNA genome skimming, QCDIS, Peter Menzel's Team, NHM Clark group, ESRF Workflow System (Ewoks), Kalbe Bioinformatics, Nextflow4Metabolomics, GBCS, CEMCOF, Jackson Laboratory NGS-Ops, Schwartz Lab, BRAIN - Biomedical Research on Adult Intracranial Neoplasms, Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Safety, Deepdefense, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, MGSSB, Institute for Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine Aachen, FengTaoSMU, EGA, Plant-Food-Research-Open, KrauthammerLab, Geo Workflows, grassland pDT, FunGIALab, CRIM - Computer Research Institute of Montréal, Medvedeva Lab, Metagenlab, FAIR-EASE, Protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid binding site prediction research, Culhane Lab, IDUN - Drug Delivery and Sensing, Edge Computing DAG Task Scheduling Research Group, Stratum corneum nanotexture feature detection using deep learning and spatial analysis: a non-invasive tool for skin barrier assessment, COPO, Taudière group, ErasmusMC Clinical Bioinformatics, interTwin, fluid flow modeling, EnrichDO, WorkflowResearch, Application Security - Test Crypt4GH solutions, RenLabBioinformatics, Yongxin's team, PiFlow, HLee_SeoGroup, UFZ - Image Data Management and Processing Workflows, Korean Bioinformaticians, Into the deep, XChem, CPM, SocialGene, Research Data Management ICE-2, ObjectRecognition, LiDAR, FONDA II C2, Senckenberg Digital Collection and Biodiversity Information Technologies, Astroparticle Lab, FAIRagro M4.4, Kgerring, QuackenbushLab, Virus sequencing team, SOS, BioImage Informatics and Analysis Workflows, BoostNano, simblockflow
Web page: Not specified
Country: Germany
City: München
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What is this?
This code can be used to automatically determine hearing thresholds from ABR hearing curves.
One of the following methods can be used for this purpose:
- neural network (NN) training,
- calibration of a self-supervised sound level regression (SLR) method
on given data sets with manually determined hearing thresholds.
Run inside the src directory:
Installation as python package
pip install -e ./src (Installation as python
This notebook is about pre-processing the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) raw data files provided by Ingham et. al to create a data set for Deep Learning models.
The unprocessed ABR data files are available at Dryad.
Since the ABR raw data are available as zip-archives, these have to be unzipped and the extracted raw data files parsed so that the time ...