This workflow provides a calculaiton of the power spectrum of Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgorund (SGWB) from a first-order cosmological phase transition based on the parameterisations of Roper Pol et al. (2023). The power spectrum includes two components: from the sound waves excited by collisions of bubbles of the new phase and from the turbulence that is induced by these collisions.
The cosmological epoch of the phase transition is described by the temperature, T_star and by the number(s) of relativistic degrees of freedom, g_star that should be specified as parameters.
The phase transition itself is characterised by phenomenological parameters, alpha, beta_H and epsilon_turb, the latent heat, the ratio of the Hubble radius to the bubble size at percolation and the fraction of the energy otuput of the phase transition that goes into turbulence.
ID | Name | Description |
0 | SGWB | |
Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 23rd Apr 2024 at 16:35 by Andrii Neronov
Initial commit

Views: 2401 Downloads: 285 Runs: 8
Created: 23rd Apr 2024 at 16:35
