ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe. These resources include databases, software tools, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers.
The goal of ELIXIR is to coordinate these resources so that they form a single infrastructure. This infrastructure makes it easier for scientists to find and share data, exchange expertise, and agree on best practices. Ultimately, it will help them gain new insights into how living organisms work.
TeSS is an example of an ELIXIR resource. TeSS is online training portal that gathers life science training materials and training courses from across Europe, and allows you to search it in one website. This makes it easier for scientists to find the training they need, and gives the training courses wider publicity.
ELIXIR includes 22 members and one Observer, bringing together over 220 research organisations. It was founded in December 2013 and began implementing its first scientific programme in 2014. It is currently implementing its second five-year scientific programme.
Web page: https://elixir-europe.org/
Funding details:Related items
- People (22)
- Teams (6)
- Organizations (15)
- Data files (1)
- SOPs (3)
- Publications (6)
- Presentations (9)
- Events (8)
- Documents (1)
- Workflows (15+1)
- Collections (2)
Teams: ELIXIR Training, ELIXIR Tools platform
Organizations: VIB, ELIXIR Belgium

Teams: BioBB Building Blocks, EuroScienceGateway
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: IBISBA Workflows, nf-core viralrecon, Testing, Defragmentation TS, EuroScienceGateway, ELIXIR Training
Organizations: The University of Manchester
Teams: GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2, usegalaxy.be workflows, EuroScienceGateway
Organizations: ELIXIR Belgium, VIB

Teams: Australian BioCommons, Galaxy Australia, ELIXIR Training, ELIXIR Tools platform, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) WorkflowHub team
Organizations: University of Melbourne, Australian BioCommons

Expertise: Biochemistry, Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Tools: Mass spectrometry, Proteomics
Teams: RECETOX SpecDatRI, RECETOX, usegalaxy-eu, ELIXIR Metabolomics
Organizations: Masaryk University, RECETOX

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Metabolomics, Python, R, Software Engineering, Workflows
Tools: Metabolomics, Python, R, Workflows, Mass spectrometry, Chromatography
Teams: ODA, EuroScienceGateway
Teams: Galaxy Training Network, BY-COVID (general), ErasmusMC Clinical Bioinformatics, Seq4AMR
Organizations: Erasmus University Medical Centre

Failure is not an option.
Teams: ELIXIR Training
Organizations: The University of Manchester

Expertise: High Performance Computing, Scientific workflow developement, Software Engineering, astronomy
Tools: Galaxy, Jupyter notebook, Python, Workflows, Git
Public web page: https://elixir-europe.org/communities/metabolomics
Organisms: Not specified
Team for general BY-COVID contributions
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified
EuroScienceGateway will leverage a distributed computing network across 13 European countries, accessible via 6 national, user-friendly web portals, facilitating access to compute and storage infrastructures across Europe as well as to data, tools, workflows and services that can be customized to suit researchers’ needs.EuroScienceGateway will deliver a robust, scalable, seamlessly integrated open infrastructure for data-driven research, contributing an innovative and customizable service for ...
Public web page: https://eurosciencegateway.eu/
Start date: 1st Oct 2022
End date: 31st Aug 2025
Organisms: Not specified
Presentations and events associated with work in FAIR Guiding Principles for Computational Workflows.
Public web page: https://workflows.community/groups/fair/
Organisms: Not specified
A team that gathers the workflow and workflow-related training activities related to ELIXIR, run by ELIXIR or affiliated to ELIXIR; its Hub, Nodes, platforms and communities
Public web page: https://elixir-europe.org
Organisms: Not specified
The ELIXIR Tools Platform helps communities find, register and benchmark software tools. These tools help researchers access, analyse and integrate biological data, and so drive scientific discovery across the life sciences.We maintain information standards for these tools, and produce, adopt and promote best practices for their development.
Public web page: https://elixir-europe.org/platforms/tools
Organisms: Not specified
canonical record: https://zenodo.org/records/10405036
Source data (GSE182152) was analysed with WFHub:688 to generate these datasets
Creators: Helena Rasche, Iacopo Cristoferi, Marek Ostaszewski, Andrew Stubbs
Submitter: Helena Rasche
If your research project is producing workflows, they should be registered in WorkflowHub:
- To give visibility to the workflows created by the project, and by the different networks and communities within the project
- To give visibility to the workflows used by project
- To share workflows across the project, within project networks and externally
- To credit and cite the people making the workflows, and the networks to which they belong
- To track the new versions of workflows as they are ...
Creators: Stian Soiland-Reyes, Carole Goble, Finn Bacall, Johan Gustafsson, Rafael Andrade Buono
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
The BY-COVID project is producing workflows. We need to register those workflows in WorkflowHub:
- To give visibility to the workflows created by the project and by the different networks and communities within the project
- To give visibility to the workflows used by project that were created
- To share workflows across the project, within project networks and externally
- To credit and cite the people making the workflows and the networks to which they belong
- To track the versions of ...
Creators: Carole Goble, Finn Bacall, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Andrew Stubbs, Helena Rasche
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
The EuroScienceGateway project is producing and maintaining workflows. We need to register those workflows in WorkflowHub:
- To give visibility to the workflows created by the project and by the different networks and communities within the project
- To give visibility to the workflows used by project that were created
- To share workflows across the project, within project networks and externally
- To credit and cite the people making the workflows and the ...
Creators: Stian Soiland-Reyes, Carole Goble, Finn Bacall
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
Authors: Michael J. Roach, N. Tessa Pierce-Ward, Radoslaw Suchecki, Vijini Mallawaarachchi, Bhavya Papudeshi, Scott A. Handley, C. Titus Brown, Nathan S. Watson-Haigh, Robert A. Edwards
Date Published: 15th Dec 2022
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010705
Citation: PLoS Comput Biol 18(12):e1010705
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Paul Brack, Peter Crowther, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Stuart Owen, Douglas Lowe, Alan R. Williams, Quentin Groom, Mathias Dillen, Frederik Coppens, Björn Grüning, Ignacio Eguinoa, Philip Ewels, Carole Goble
Date Published: 24th Mar 2022
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009823
Citation: PLoS Comput Biol 18(3):e1009823
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Alex Hardisty, Paul Brack, Carole Goble, Laurence Livermore, Ben Scott, Quentin Groom, Stuart Owen, Stian Soiland-Reyes
Date Published: 7th Mar 2022
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1162/dint_a_00134
Citation: Data Intelligence:1-19
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Henri Casanova, Kyle Chard, Ilkay Altintas, Rosa M Badia, Bartosz Balis, Taina Coleman, Frederik Coppens, Frank Di Natale, Bjoern Enders, Thomas Fahringer, Rosa Filgueira, Grigori Fursin, Daniel Garijo, Carole Goble, Dorran Howell, Shantenu Jha, Daniel S. Katz, Daniel Laney, Ulf Leser, Maciej Malawski, Kshitij Mehta, Loic Pottier, Jonathan Ozik, J. Luc Peterson, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Douglas Thain, Matthew Wolf
Date Published: 1st Nov 2021
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1109/WORKS54523.2021.00016
Citation: 2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS),pp.81-90,IEEE
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Magnus Palmblad, Jon Ison, Veit Schwämmle, Mohammad Sadnan Al Manir, Ilkay Altintas, Christopher J. O. Baker, Ammar Ben Hadj Amor, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Paulos Charonyktakis, Michael R. Crusoe, Yolanda Gil, Carole Goble, Timothy J. Griffin, Paul Groth, Hans Ienasescu, Pratik Jagtap, Matúš Kalaš, Vedran Kasalica, Alireza Khanteymoori, Tobias Kuhn, Hailiang Mei, Hervé Ménager, Steffen Möller, Robin A. Richardson, Vincent Robert, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Robert Stevens, Szoke Szaniszlo, Suzan Verberne, Aswin Verhoeven, Katherine Wolstencroft
Date Published: 2021
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.54159.1
Citation: F1000Res 10:897
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Carole Goble, Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Daniel Garijo, Yolanda Gil, Michael R. Crusoe, Kristian Peters, Daniel Schober
Date Published: 2020
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1162/dint_a_00033
Citation: Data Intellegence 2(1-2):108-121
To make your workflow FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), register it in WorkflowHub, a workflow registry with rich metadata capture for workflow discovery and sharing, and value-added services, for workflow testing (LifeMonitor), execution and publication.
The EuroScienceGateway, Biodiversity Genomics Europe and BioDT projects will use WorkflowHub to organise, share and publish their workflows.
This was Ask Me Anything and Bring Your Own Workflow (AMA & BYOW) specifically ...
Creators: Nick Juty, Finn Bacall
Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes
Presented at Swedish eResearch Centre meeting, 13 may 2022
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
Keynote JOBIM 2021 (French Bioinformatics Conference)
FAIR Computational Workflows https://jobim2021.sciencesconf.org/ 8 July 2021
Computational workflows capture precise descriptions of the steps and data dependencies needed to carry out computational data pipelines, analysis and simulations in many areas of Science, including the Life Sciences. The use of computational workflows to manage these multi-step computational processes has accelerated in the past few years driven by the need for ...
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
EOSC-Life FAIR hackathon 2021 Session 3: Workflow & Tools FAIRification
Creators: Carole Goble, Stuart Owen, Simone Leo, Finn Bacall, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Douglas Lowe
Submitter: Carole Goble
So, you want to build a pan-national digital space for bioscience data and methods? That works with a bunch of pre-existing data repositories and processing platforms? So you can share FAIR workflows and move them between services? Package them up with data and other stuff (or just package up data for that matter)? How? WorkflowHub (https://workflowhub.eu) and RO-Crate Research Objects (https://www.researchobject.org/ro-crate) that’s how! A step towards FAIR Digital Objects gets a workout. Keynote ...
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
Keynote presented at WORKS 2021 https://works-workshop.org/
16th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science November 15, 2021 Held in conjunction with SC21: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
Keynote at German Conference on Bioinformatics 2021 https://gcb2021.de/ FAIR Computational Workflows Computational workflows capture precise descriptions of the steps and data dependencies needed to carry out computational data pipelines, analysis and simulations in many areas of Science, including the Life Sciences. The use of computational workflows to manage these multi-step computational processes has accelerated in the past few years driven by the need for scalable data processing, the ...
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
invited presentation at https://researchsoft.github.io/FAIReScience/, FAIReScience 2021 online workshop virtually co-located with the 17th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2021)
20th Sept 2021
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
Keynote Presented at the ICTeSSH 2021 Conference to Social Science and Humanities. ICTeSSH 2021, 30th June 2021
https://ictessh.uns.ac.rs/ In data intensive science multi-step tool-chains are widely used to help scientists manage, analyze, and share increasing volumes of complex data. The use of computational workflows to manage these multi-step computational processes has accelerated in the past few years driven by the need for scalable data processing, the exchange of processing know-how, and ...
Creator: Carole Goble
Submitter: Carole Goble
EOSC-Life 3rd Open Call Biohackathon induction workshop
Start Date: 16th Dec 2021
End Date: 16th Dec 2021
Event Website: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ks7mf7xVLdnP4vLWj0zcJ2dvOXWtQyAu/edit
Country: Not specified
City: Virtual
Reproducibility is a cornerstone of good scientific practice. Thanks to funding provided by ELIXIR Training Platform Task 2, we have brought together the biggest names in bioinformatics workflow management for a 3 day practical workshop. We have presentations from the development teams of CWL, Snakemake, Nextflow, nf-core and more. If you want to learn more about the workflow management concepts that will be addressed in this workshop, check out these articles:
Workflow systems turn raw data into ...
Start Date: 29th Nov 2021
End Date: 1st Dec 2021
Event Website: https://elixir-workflow-workshop.github.io/2021/
Country: Germany
City: Virtual
virtually co-located with the 17th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2021)
This discussion-focused workshop examines how the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles are and can be applied to eScience research objects beyond data. Invited speakers will present the idea of FAIR and its application to objects such as software, workflows, machine learning models, and executable notebooks, and where FAIR is going. Invited talks will be followed by a panel ...
Start Date: 20th Sep 2021
End Date: 20th Sep 2021
Event Website: https://researchsoft.github.io/FAIReScience/
Country: Not specified
City: Virtual
The public and the press already expect to assess the trustworthiness of research relevant to pressing social and public health issues in terms of transparency. While widely recognized as a critical component of research reproducibility in principle, the promise of making research fully transparent—and scientific claims easier to evaluate—via reliable provenance has yet to be realized in full. In particular, it is still far from routine for researchers in the natural, social, and data sciences ...
Start Date: 22nd Jul 2021
End Date: 22nd Jul 2021
Event Website: https://iitdbgroup.github.io/ProvenanceWeek2021/t7.html
Country: United States
City: Virtual
The FAIR Principles have two aspects: They were written specifically for research data and they also claim to be general for all research objects. In practice, this means that while the high-level concepts (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) are generally applicable, the details of the wording, their context, and how they are applied is not. Different groups have been studying how the FAIR principles could be applied to other types of research objects, such as research software, ...
Start Date: 22nd Jun 2021
End Date: 22nd Jun 2021
Event Website: https://www.go-fair.org/events/fair-festival-2021/
Country: Not specified
City: Virtual
Date: Friday 11 June 2021, 10.00 CEST
Chairs: Carole Goble, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, José María Fernández González and Frederik Coppens
In Life Sciences, experimental laboratory procedures usually have a lifespan since their first inception, wide adoption along the years, and later being superseded by others. The same applies to the analysis of the generated experimental data. Workflow Lifecycle represents the different states of workflows during their “life”. This workshop ...
Start Date: 11th Jun 2021
End Date: 11th Jun 2021
Event Website: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AOE9jLO5EbUFu9NTe0B-z_jx8eQGIMSySkMLRMYvXO0/edit#heading=h.podt37y5jukq
Country: Not specified
City: Virtual
Scientific workflows capture precise descriptions of the steps and data dependencies needed to carry out computational experiments in many areas of Science, ranging from Astrophysics to Bioinformatics or Geosciences. In order to promote long-term usability and uptake by the scientific community, workflows (as well as the tools that integrate them) should become findable, accessible, understandable, reusable, and citable so that author’s credit is attributed fairly and accurately.
The work on ...
Start Date: 30th Nov 2020
End Date: 30th Nov 2020
Event Website: https://conference.codata.org/FAIRconvergence2020/sessions/218/
Country: Not specified
City: Virtual
In the age of computational science, researchers in the life sciences – just as in other domains – regularly face the need of composing several individual software tools into pipelines or workflows that perform the specific data analysis processes that they need in their research. For over 20 years now, dedicated scientific workflow management systems have been supporting scientists in this task, and they continue to gain popularity. In fact, recent years have seen significant progress in the ...
Start Date: 7th Mar 2020
End Date: 13th Mar 2020
Event Website: https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/automated-workflow-composition-in-the-life-sciences.html
Country: Netherlands
City: Leiden
The results of the mentimeter for the FAIR workflows section of the EOSC-Life 3rd Open Call projects pre-hackathon induction
Creators: Carole Goble, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Stuart Owen, Finn Bacall, Simone Leo, Douglas Lowe
Submitter: Carole Goble
A R workflow for proteomics data analysis is reported. This pipeline was basing on protein expression projects, stored on the PRIDE database and reported on the COVID-19 Data portal. This is an R pipeline to analyze protein expression data, built on lung cell lines infected by SARS-CoV-2 variants: B.1, Delta, and Omicron BA.1 (Mezler et al. 2023) https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD037265. This pipeline can obtain DEPs for each variant, starting from normalized protein expression ...
High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments are integral to quantum chemistry and computationally intense research, yet their complexity poses challenges for non-HPC experts. Navigating these environments proves challenging for researchers lacking extensive computational knowledge, hindering efficient use of domain specific research software. The prediction of mass spectra for in silico annotation is therefore inaccessible for many wet lab scientists. Our main goal is to facilitate non-experts ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Zargham Ahmad, Helge Hecht, Wudmir Rojas, RECETOX SpecDat
Submitters: Helge Hecht, Wudmir Rojas
This workflow provides a calculaiton of the power spectrum of Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgorund (SGWB) from a first-order cosmological phase transition based on the parameterisations of Roper Pol et al. (2023). The power spectrum includes two components: from the sound waves excited by collisions of bubbles of the new phase and from the turbulence that is induced by these collisions.
The cosmological epoch of the phase transition is described by the temperature, T_star and by the number(s) ...
The tool provides a calculation of the power spectrum of Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgorund (SGWB) from a first-order cosmological phase transition based on the parameterisations of Roper Pol et al. (2023). The power spectrum includes two components: from the sound waves excited by collisions of bubbles of the new phase and from the turbulence that is induced by these collisions.
The cosmological epoch of the phase transition is described by the temperature, T_star and by the number(s) of ...
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Andrii Neronov, Théo Boyer, Denys Savchenko, Volodymyr Savchenko
Submitter: Denys Savchenko
Protype demonstrator of a workflow reducing HESS and INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS data to common Light Curve format and combining the lightcurves into a multi-wavelength observation.
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Volodymyr Savchenko, Denys Savchenko, Andrii Neronov
Submitter: Volodymyr Savchenko
Refining Genome Annotations with Apollo
NDVI data with OpenEO to time series visualisation with HoloViz
Calculating and visualizing marine biodiversity indicators
Finding potential muon stopping sites in crystalline copper
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Leandro Liborio, Muon Spectroscopy Computational Project
Submitter: Paul De Geest
From Copernicus Sentinel 5P data to panoply visualization of volcanic activity impact to atmosphere
Functional annotation of protein sequences
Structural and functional genome annotation with Funannotate
Masking repeats in a genome using RepeatMasker
Analyse Bulk RNA-Seq data in preparation for downstream Pathways analysis with MINERVA
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Iacopo Cristoferi, Helena Rasche, Clinical Bioinformatics Unit, Pathology Department, Eramus Medical Center
Submitter: Helena Rasche
This portion of the workflow produces sets of feature Counts ready for analysis by limma/etc.
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Iacopo Cristoferi, Helena Rasche, Clinical Bioinformatics Unit, Pathology Department, Eramus Medical Center
Submitter: Helena Rasche
Workflows developed by or used by BY-COVID project.
Collection of workflows used or developed by the EuroScienceGateway project.