Web page: https://www.bsc.es/
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona
Plaça Eusebi Güell, 1-3,
08034 Barcelona (Spain).
Related items
Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: BioBB Building Blocks, EuroScienceGateway
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Teams: BSC-CES
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Teams: COMPSs Tutorials
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: BSC-CES
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)
Teams: COMPSs Tutorials, BSC-CES
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

Teams: OpenEBench
Organizations: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS)

With present computational capabilities and data volumes entering the Exascale Era, digital twins of the Earth system will be able to mimic the different system components (atmosphere, ocean, land, lithosphere) with unrivaled precision, providing analyses, forecasts, and what if scenarios for natural hazards and resources from their genesis phases and across their temporal and spatial scales. DT-GEO aims at developing a prototype for a digital twin on geophysical extremes including earthquakes, ...
Teams: WP5 - Volcanoes, WP6 - Tsunamis, WP7 - Earthquakes, WP8 - Anthropogenic geophysical extremes
Web page: https://dtgeo.eu/
eFlows4HPC project aims at providing workflow software stack and an additional set of services to enable the integration of HPC simulations and modelling with big data analytics and machine learning in scientific and industrial applications. The project is also developing the HPC Workflows as a Service (HPCWaaS) methodology that aims at providing tools to simplify the development, deployment, execution and reuse of workflows. The project demonstrates its advances through three application Pillars ...
Teams: Cluster Emergent del Cervell Humà, Workflows and Distributed Computing, Pillar I: Manufacturing, Pillar II: Climate, Pillar III: Urgent computing for natural hazards, eFlows4HPC general, COMPSs Tutorials
Web page: https://eflows4hpc.eu
ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe. These resources include databases, software tools, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers.
The goal of ELIXIR is to coordinate these resources so that they form a single infrastructure. This infrastructure makes it easier for scientists to find and share data, exchange expertise, and agree on best practices. Ultimately, it will help them gain new insights into how living ...
Teams: ELIXIR Training, FAIR Computational Workflows, EuroScienceGateway, BY-COVID (general), ELIXIR Tools platform, ELIXIR Metabolomics
Web page: https://elixir-europe.org/
EOSC-Life brings together the 13 Life Science ‘ESFRI’ research infrastructures (LS RIs) to create an open, digital and collaborative space for biological and medical research.
The project will publish ‘FAIR’ data and a catalogue of services provided by participating RIs for the management, storage and reuse of data in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Teams: EOSC-Life - Demonstrator 7: Rare Diseases, EOSC-Life WP3
Web page: https://www.eosc-life.eu/
BioExcel is the leading European Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research. Established in 2015, the centre has grown into a major research and innovation hub for scientific computing. BioExcel develops some of the most popular applications for modelling and simulations of biomolecular systems. A broad range of additional pre-/post-processing tools are integrated with the core applications within user-friendly workflows and container solutions.
The software stack comes with ...
Teams: BioBB Building Blocks, BioExcel Best Practice Guides
Web page: https://bioexcel.eu/
A space managed by WorkflowHub administrators for teams that don't want/need to manage their own space.
Teams: IBISBA Workflows, NMR Workflow, UNLOCK, NanoGalaxy, Galaxy Climate, PNDB, IMBforge, COVID-19 PubSeq: Public SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Resource, LBI-RUD, Nick-test-team, usegalaxy-eu, Italy-Covid-data-Portal, UX trial team, Integrated and Urban Plant Pathology Laboratory, SARS-CoV-2 Data Hubs, lmjxteam2, virAnnot pipeline, Ay Lab, iPC: individualizedPaediatricCure, Harkany Lab, MOLGENIS, EJPRD WP13 case-studies workflows, Common Workflow Language (CWL) community, Testing, SeBiMER, IAA-CSIC, MAB - ATGC, Probabilistic graphical models, GenX, Snakemake-Workflows, ODA, IPK BIT, CO2MICS Lab, FAME, CHU Limoges - UF9481 Bioinformatique / CNR Herpesvirus, Quadram Institute Bioscience - Bioinformatics, HecatombDevelopment, Institute of Human Genetics, Testing RO Crates, Test Team, Applied Computational Biology at IEG/HMGU, INFRAFRONTIER workflows, OME, TransBioNet, OpenEBench, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (BIO2 ) Core, VIB Bioinformatics Core, CRC Cohort, ICAN, MustafaVoh, Single Cell Unit, CO-Graph, emo-bon, TestEMBL-EBIOntology, CINECA, Toxicology community, Pitagora-Network, Workflows Australia, Medizinisches Proteom-Center, Medical Bioinformatics, AGRF BIO, EU-Openscreen, X-omics, ELIXIR Belgium, URGI, Size Inc, GA-VirReport Team, The Boucher Lab, Air Quality Prediction, pyiron, CAPSID, Edinburgh Genomics, Defragmentation TS, NBIS, Phytoplankton Analysis, Seq4AMR, Workflow registry test, Read2Map, SKM3, ParslRNA-Seq: an efficient and scalable RNAseq analysis workflow for studies of differentiated gene expression, de.NBI Cloud, Meta-NanoSim, ILVO Plant Health, EMERGEN-BIOINFO, KircherLab, Apis-wings, BCCM_ULC, Dessimoz Lab, TRON gGmbH, GEMS at MLZ, Computational Science at HZDR, Big data in biomedicine, TRE-FX, MISTIC, Guigó lab, Statistical genetics, Delineating Regions-of-interest for Mass Spectrometry Imaging by Multimodally Corroborated Spatial Segmentation, OLCF-WES, Bioinformatics Unit @ CRG, Bioinformatics Innovation Lab, BSC-CES, ELIXIR Proteomics, Black Ochre Data Labs, Zavolan Lab, Metabolomics-Reproducibility, Team Cardio, NGFF Tools, Bioinformatics workflows for life science, Workflows for geographic science, Pacific-deep-sea-sponges-microbiome, CSFG, SNAKE, Katdetectr, INFRAFRONTIER GmbH, PerMedCoE, Euro-BioImaging, EOSC-Life WP3 OC Team, cross RI project, ANSES-Ploufragan, SANBI Pathogen Bioinformatics, Biodata Analysis Group, DeSci Labs, Erasmus MC - Viroscience Bioinformatics, ARA-dev, Mendel Centre for Plant Genomics and Proteomics, Metagenomic tools, WorkflowEng, Polygenic Score Catalog, bpm, scNTImpute, Systems Biotechnology laboratory, Cimorgh IT solutions, MLme: Machine Learning Made Easy, Hurwitz Lab, Dioscuri TDA, Scipion CNB, System Biotechnology laboratory, yPublish - Bioinfo tools, NIH CFDE Playbook Workflow Partnership, MMV-Lab, EMBL-CBA, EBP-Nor, Evaluation of Swin Transformer and knowledge transfer for denoising of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy data, Bioinformatics Laboratory for Genomics and Biodiversity (LBGB), multi-analysis dFC, CholGen, RNA group, Plant Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy, Pathogen Genomic Laboratory, Chemical Data Lab, JiangLab, Pangenome database project, HP2NET - Framework for construction of phylogenetic networks on High Performance Computing (HPC) environment, Center for Open Bioimage Analysis, Generalized Open-Source Workflows for Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Viral Helicases, Historical DNA genome skimming, QCDIS, Peter Menzel's Team, NHM Clark group, ESRF Workflow System (Ewoks), Kalbe Bioinformatics, Nextflow4Metabolomics, GBCS, CEMCOF, Jackson Laboratory NGS-Ops, Schwartz Lab, BRAIN - Biomedical Research on Adult Intracranial Neoplasms, Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Safety, Deepdefense, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, MGSSB, Institute for Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine Aachen, FengTaoSMU, EGA, Plant-Food-Research-Open, KrauthammerLab, Geo Workflows, grassland pDT, FunGIALab, CRIM - Computer Research Institute of Montréal, Medvedeva Lab, Metagenlab, FAIR-EASE, Protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid binding site prediction research, Culhane Lab, IDUN - Drug Delivery and Sensing, Edge Computing DAG Task Scheduling Research Group, Stratum corneum nanotexture feature detection using deep learning and spatial analysis: a non-invasive tool for skin barrier assessment, COPO, Taudière group, ErasmusMC Clinical Bioinformatics, interTwin, fluid flow modeling, EnrichDO, WorkflowResearch, Application Security - Test Crypt4GH solutions, RenLabBioinformatics, Yongxin's team, PiFlow, HLee_SeoGroup, UFZ - Image Data Management and Processing Workflows, Korean Bioinformaticians, Into the deep, XChem, CPM, SocialGene, Research Data Management ICE-2, ObjectRecognition, LiDAR, FONDA II C2, Senckenberg Digital Collection and Biodiversity Information Technologies, Astroparticle Lab, FAIRagro M4.4, Kgerring, QuackenbushLab
Web page: Not specified
The goal of COVID-19-Biohackathon 2020 (COVID-19-BH20) is to develop and gather computational tools that can be useful for studying the biology of the virus and the disease.
The COVID-19 Programme in Workflow Hub aims to gather workflows for the analysis of COVID-19 molecular biology data and their metadata. In this programme, all workflows and their metadata will be curated and made interoperable, reusable and reproducible. All workflows and their metadata will be easily accessible to everyone ...
Teams: Connor Lab, GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2, InSaFLU, nf-core viralrecon, CWL workflow SARS-CoV-2, V-Pipe, Test team
Web page: https://github.com/virtual-biohackathons/covid-19-bh20
The Computational Earth Sciences (CES) group is a multidisciplinary team with different technical profiles that closely relates to all the other groups in the department. CES supports scientists in their daily work and provides a framework for the most efficient use of IT resources, specializing in HPC. At the same time, the group has different research lines related to profiling and optimization and porting Earth modeling codes toward Exascale computing. The group has links and collaborations ...
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://www.bsc.es/discover-bsc/organisation/scientific-structure/computational-earth-sciences
Organisms: Not specified
Team created to publish applications during COMPSs Tutorials, and share them among participants.
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://www.bsc.es/education/training/bsc-training/bsc-training-course-programming-distributed-computing-platforms-compss/
Organisms: Not specified
This team is to publish workflows executed from WPs that are not the three main pillars of the project.
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://eflows4hpc.eu/
Organisms: Not specified
Distributed computing aims to offer tools and mechanisms that enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed computational resources in a transparent way. The research done in this team is based on the past expertise of the group, and on extending it towards the aspects of distributed computing that can benefit from this expertise. The team at BSC has a strong focus on programming models and resource management and scheduling in distributed computing ...
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://www.bsc.es/discover-bsc/organisation/scientific-structure/workflows-and-distributed-computing
Organisms: Not specified
EuroScienceGateway will leverage a distributed computing network across 13 European countries, accessible via 6 national, user-friendly web portals, facilitating access to compute and storage infrastructures across Europe as well as to data, tools, workflows and services that can be customized to suit researchers’ needs.EuroScienceGateway will deliver a robust, scalable, seamlessly integrated open infrastructure for data-driven research, contributing an innovative and customizable service for ...
Public web page: https://eurosciencegateway.eu/
Start date: 1st Oct 2022
End date: 31st Aug 2025
Organisms: Not specified
EJPRD WP13 case-studies workflows from phase 1.
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/
Organisms: Not specified
Develop and implement 4 DTCs for volcano-related extremes: volcanic unrest (DTC-V1), forecast of volcanic ash clouds and fallout (DTC-V2), lava flows (DTC-V3), and volcanic gases (DTC-V4).
Test the 4 DTC-V through demonstrators at 3 relevant European sites: Mt. Etna in Italy (SD1), and Grímsvötn and Fagradalsfjall in Iceland (SD2 and SD3 respectively).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page: https://dtgeo.eu/
Organisms: Not specified
Develop and implement 1 DTC for data-informed Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF) (DTC-T1)
Test the DTC-T1 through demonstrators at 4 relevant sites: Mediterranean sea coast (SD4), Eastern Sicily (SD5), Chilean cost (SD6), and Eastern Honshu coast in Japan (SD7).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page: https://dtgeo.eu/
Organisms: Not specified
It explores the modelling of natural catastrophes – in particular, earthquakes and their associated tsunamis shortly after such an event is recorded.
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://eflows4hpc.eu/pillars/
Organisms: Not specified
Provide an integrated, comprehensive, modular modelling and testing framework
Develop multi-scale workflows applicable beyond the identified test-areas enabling improved physical understanding and progress beyond state-of-the-art in the earthquake process.
Develop and implement 6 DTCs covering earthquake-related aspects over long and short time scales
Test the 6 DTC-E at 4 relevant sites: Euro-Med (SD8), Central Apennines and Alto-Tiberina (SD9), Bedretto Lab (SD10) and the Alps (SD11).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page: https://dtgeo.eu/
Organisms: Not specified
It develops innovative adaptive workflows for climate and for the study of Tropical Cyclones (TC) in the context of the CMIP6 experiment, including in-situ analytics.
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://eflows4hpc.eu/pillars/
Organisms: Not specified
Develop and implement 1 DTC for Anthropogenic Geophysical Extreme Forecasting (AGEF) with 4 workflow outcomes: forecasting of long-range responses of georeservoirs (TC-AGEF1), forecasting of late responses of georeservoirs (TC-AGEF2), modelling of the largest magnitude (TC-AGEF3), and induced seismic hazard map estimation (TC-AGEF4).
Test the DTC-A through demonstrators at 2 relevant European sites: Strasbourg geothermal site in France (SD12) and KGHM copper ore mine in Poland (SD13).
Space: A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO)
Public web page: https://dtgeo.eu/
Organisms: Not specified
It focuses on the construction of DigitalTwins for the prototyping of complex manufactured objects integrating state-of-the-art adaptive solvers with machine learning and data-mining, contributing to the Industry 4.0 vision.
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://eflows4hpc.eu/pillars/
Organisms: Not specified
Project that aims to create the NeuroPlat portal for neurodrug design
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page: https://www.upf.edu/web/cech
Organisms: Not specified
Proteomics is the large-scale experimental study of the proteome, all the proteins produced or modified by an organism or system. Proteomics can tell us about when and where proteins are expressed, protein production and degradation rates, the characterisation of protein post-translational modifications (e.g. phosphorylation), elucidating protein structures, and protein-protein interactions.This information can be combined with data from other omics disciplines (genomics, metagenomics, metabolomics) ...
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://elixir-europe.org/topics/proteomics
Organisms: Not specified
Personalized Medicine Center of Excellence
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://github.com/PerMedCoE
Organisms: Not specified
Ongoing analysis of COVID-19 using Galaxy, BioConda and public research infrastructures https://covid19.galaxyproject.org
Space: COVID-19 Biohackathon
Public web page: https://github.com/galaxyproject/SARS-CoV-2
Organisms: Homo sapiens, SARS-CoV-2
TransBioNet is the Translational Bioinformatics Network impulsed and coordinated by the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) as a reference network of 35+ bioinformatics support units working at health care settings including Health Research Institutes (IIS) certified by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), and bioinformatics core facilities from biomedical research institutions. TransBioNet is an Excellence Thematic Network (Red de Excelencia Temática) recognized by the Spanish ...
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://inb-elixir.es/transbionet
Organisms: Not specified
OpenEBench (https://openebench.bsc.es) is the ELIXIR benchmarking and technical monitoring platform for bioinformatics tools, web servers, and workflows. OpenEBench is part of the ELIXIR Tools platform and its development is led by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in collaboration with partners within ELIXIR and beyond.
Within the ELIXIR project, OpenEBench is being developed under the Tools Platform at the Work Package 2 (WP2: Benchmarking) (https://elixir-europe.org/platforms/tools). ...
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://openebench.bsc.es
Organisms: Not specified
Space: Independent Teams
Public web page: https://ipc-project.eu/
Start date: 1st Jan 2019
End date: 31st May 2023
Organisms: Not specified