What is a Workflow?Filters
This workflow begins from a set of genome assemblies of different samples, strains, species. The genome is first annotated with Funnanotate. Predicted proteins are furtner annotated with Busco. Next, 'ProteinOrtho' finds orthologs across the samples and makes orthogroups. Orthogroups where all samples are represented are extracted. Orthologs in each orthogroup are aligned with ClustalW. The alignments are cleaned with ClipKIT and the concatenation matrix is built using PhyKit. This can be used ...
This workflow generates a single cell matrix using Alevin.
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Generating a single cell matrix using Alevin, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
**Tutorial ...
Nucleoli segmentation and feature extraction using CellProfiler
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial CP_pipeline_IDR_training, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Beatriz Serrano-Solano, [Jean-Karim ...
This workflow creates an ESet object from scRNA metadata file and EBI SCXA retrieveal
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial MuSiC-Deconvolution: Data generation | sc | matrix + ESet, available in the GTN
- Uses subworkflows ...
Visualization of Climate Data using NetCDF Xarray Map Plotting
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Xarray_Map_Plotting_Workflow, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Soumya Jha
Workflow Author(s): Soumya Jha ...
This workflow generates from only an EBI SCXA reference the metadata for creating an ESet object
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial MuSiC-Deconvolution: Data generation | sc | metadata, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Wendi Bacon, ...
Compute indicators for Champs blocs
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Champs blocs indicators, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Tutorial Author(s): Marie Josse, Yvan Le Bras ...