What is a Workflow?Filters
This workflow is developed for automatic detection and measuring of mitoflashes in time-lapse microscopy images.
In addition, this workflow can be used for detection and tracking of other spot-like organelles with small motion.
If this workflow helped with the analysis of your data, please do not forget to cite:
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial [Tracking of mitochondria and capturing ...
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Analyse HeLa fluorescence siRNA screen, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Workflow Author(s): Till Korten, Leonid Kostrykin
Tutorial Author(s): ...
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Introduction to Image Analysis using Galaxy, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Workflow Author(s): Till Korten, Leonid Kostrykin
**Tutorial ...
Analyse HeLa fluorescence siRNA screen
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Analyse HeLa fluorescence siRNA screen, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
- Uses ...
Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
Thanks to...
Workflow Author(s): Bérénice Batut, ...
Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis, available in the GTN
- Includes Galaxy Workflow Tests
- Uses ...
WF3- Peptide verification/validaiton workflow
Associated Tutorial
This workflows is part of the tutorial Clinical Metaproteomics 3: Verification, available in the GTN
Thanks to...
Workflow Author(s): Subina Mehta
Tutorial Author(s): Subina Mehta, ...