
What is a Workflow?
566 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 671

Data Manipulation Olympics

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial GTN Tutorial: Data manipulation Olympics - all steps and exercises, available in the GTN

Thanks to...

Tutorial Author(s): Saskia Hiltemann

**Tutorial ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche

Run this on the trimmed consensus reads (DCS or SSCS) from Du Novo.

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial Du Novo GTN Tutorial - Variant Calling, available in the GTN

Thanks to...

Tutorial Author(s): Anton Nekrutenko, [Nick ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche

Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short)

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial Workflow 2: Community Profile, available in the GTN


Thanks to...

**Tutorial ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche

Microbiome - QC and Contamination Filtering

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial Nanopore Preprocessing, available in the GTN


Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche

Run this on raw duplex sequencing reads to produce duplex consensus sequences.

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial Du Novo GTN Tutorial - Make Consensus Sequences, available in the GTN

Thanks to...

Tutorial Author(s): Anton Nekrutenko, [Nick ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche


Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial GTN Training: Galaxy 101 For Everyone, available in the GTN


Thanks to...

Tutorial Author(s): [Anne ...

Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche

Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short)

Associated Tutorial

This workflows is part of the tutorial Workflow 3: Functional Information, available in the GTN


Thanks to...


Type: Galaxy

Creators: None

Submitter: Helena Rasche

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