Location: Spain
Joined: 18th Dec 2023
Expertise: Not specified
Tools: Not specified
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eFlows4HPC project aims at providing workflow software stack and an additional set of services to enable the integration of HPC simulations and modelling with big data analytics and machine learning in scientific and industrial applications. The project is also developing the HPC Workflows as a Service (HPCWaaS) methodology that aims at providing tools to simplify the development, deployment, execution and reuse of workflows. The project demonstrates its advances through three application Pillars ...
Teams: Cluster Emergent del Cervell Humà, Workflows and Distributed Computing, Pillar I: Manufacturing, Pillar II: Climate, Pillar III: Urgent computing for natural hazards, eFlows4HPC general, COMPSs Tutorials
Web page:
This team is to publish workflows executed from WPs that are not the three main pillars of the project.
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
Distributed computing aims to offer tools and mechanisms that enable the sharing, selection, and aggregation of a wide variety of geographically distributed computational resources in a transparent way. The research done in this team is based on the past expertise of the group, and on extending it towards the aspects of distributed computing that can benefit from this expertise. The team at BSC has a strong focus on programming models and resource management and scheduling in distributed computing ...
Space: eFlows4HPC
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
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Kfold to evaluate kNN accuracy on PhysioNet dataset ( This application used dislib-0.9.0
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GridSearch of kNN algorithm for the iris.csv dataset ( This application used dislib-0.9.0
Name: GridSearchCV Contact Person: [email protected] Access Level: public License Agreement: Apache2 Platform: COMPSs Machine: MareNostrum5
GridSearch of kNN algorithm for the iris.csv dataset ( This application used dislib-0.9.0
Name: KMeans Contact Person: [email protected] Access Level: public License Agreement: Apache2 Platform: COMPSs Machine: MareNostrum5
KMEans for clustering the housing.csv dataset ( This application used dislib-0.9.0
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Type: COMPSs
Creators: Fernando Vázquez-Novoa, Workflows and Distributed Computing
Submitter: Fernando Vázquez-Novoa