What is a Workflow?Filters
Contiging Solo:
Generate assembly based on PacBio Hifi Reads.
- Hifi long reads [fastq]
- K-mer database [meryldb]
- Genome profile summary generated by Genomescope [txt]
- Homozygous Read Coverage. Optional, use if you think the estimation from Genomescope is inacurate.
- Genomescope Model Parameters generated by Genomescope [tabular]
- Database for busco lineage (recommended: latest)
- Busco lineage (recommended: vertebrata)
- Name of first assembly
- Name of second ...
Purge duplicates from one haplotype. Prerequisites: run after a k-mer profiling workflow (VGP 1 or 2) and a contiging workflow (VGP 3,4 or 5).
This workflow uses eggNOG mapper and InterProScan for functional annotation of protein sequences.
This workflow performs subtyping and consensus sequence generation for batches of Illumina PE sequenced Influenza A isolates.
Single-cell RNA-seq workflow with Scanpy and Anndata. Based on the 3k PBMC clustering tutorial from Scanpy. It takes count matrix, barcodes and feature files as input and creates an Anndata object out of them. It then performs QC and filters for lowly expressed genes and cells. Then the data is normalized and scaled. Then PCs are computed to further cluster using louvain algorithm. It also generated various plots of clustering colored with highly ranked genes.
Type: Galaxy
Creators: Pavankumar Videm, Hans-Rudolf Hotz, Mehmet Tekman, Bérénice Batut
Submitter: WorkflowHub Bot
This workflow allows you to annotate a genome with Helixer and evaluate the quality of the annotation using BUSCO and Genome Annotation statistics. GFFRead is also used to predict protein sequences derived from this annotation, and BUSCO and OMArk are used to assess proteome quality.
VGP Workflow #1
This workflow produces a Meryl database and Genomescope outputs that will be used to determine parameters for following workflows, and assess the quality of genome assemblies. Specifically, it provides information about the genomic complexity, such as the genome size and levels of heterozygosity and repeat content, as well about the data quality.
- A collection of Hifi long reads in FASTQ format
- k-mer length
- Ploidy
- Meryl Database of kmer counts
Create Meryl Database used for the estimation of assembly parameters and quality control with Merqury. Part of the VGP pipeline.
Workflow for clinical metaproteomics database searching
This workflow will perform taxonomic and functional annotations using Unipept and statistical analysis using MSstatsTMT.