
What is a Workflow?
566 Workflows visible to you, out of a total of 671

Lysozyme in Water simplest version, from COMPSs Tutorial

Type: COMPSs

Creators: Justin A. Lemkul, Javier Conejero

Submitter: Raül Sirvent

Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements

Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements

Type: COMPSs

Creators: Raül Sirvent, Adam Hospital, Rosa M. Badia

Submitter: Raül Sirvent

Hypermatrix size 2x2 blocks, block size 2x2 elements

Type: COMPSs

Creators: Raül Sirvent, Adam Hospital, Rosa M. Badia

Submitter: Raül Sirvent

No description specified

Type: Galaxy

Creator: Simone Leo

Submitter: Luca Pireddu

Multi-band array detection and location of seismic sources. BackTrackBB is a program for detection and space-time location of seismic sources based on multi-scale, frequency-selective statistical coherence of the wave field recorded by dense large-scale seismic networks and local antennas. The method is designed to enhance coherence of the signal statistical features across the array of sensors and consists of three steps. They are signal processing, space-time imaging and detection and location. ...

Type: COMPSs

Creators: Natalia Poiata, Javier Conejero, Claudio Satriano

Submitter: Raül Sirvent


A simple example of a CWL workflow with a single Hello world tool from Dockstore.

Type: Common Workflow Language

Creator: James Eddy, Dockstore

Submitter: Stian Soiland-Reyes

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