Biodiversity Genomics Europe, funded by Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-01, aims at aligning the resources and research agendas of both DNA barcoding and reference genome generation, thus opening the door for a true quantum leap in biodiversity genomics research in Europe.
Despite ground-breaking developments in both DNA barcoding and full genome sequencing, there remains a critical need to develop and strengthen functioning communities of practice at multiple scales that translate into building capacity, boosting complementarity among activities in individual countries and establishing mechanisms to democratise participation.
To address this challenge from the European perspective, the BGE consortium, with 33 partners, brings together two newly formed networks:
- BIOSCAN Europe – DNA barcoding
- European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) – genome sequencing
The project will tackle three fundamental objectives:
- Establish functioning biodiversity genomics networks at the European level to connect and grow community capacity to tackle the biodiversity crisis using genomic tools.
- Establish and implement large-scale biodiversity genomic data generation pipelines for Europe to accelerate the production and accessibility of genomic data for biodiversity characterisation, conservation and biomonitoring.
- Apply genomic tools to enhance understanding of pan-European biodiversity and biodiversity declines to improve the efficacy of management interventions and biomonitoring programmes.
This WorkflowHub space will be used to gather computational workflows develoepd within the BGE consortium.
Web page:
Funding codes:-
HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-01 101059492
Related items
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Organizations: The University of Manchester

Teams: Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy
Organizations: Galaxy

Teams: Biodiversity Genomics Europe (general)
Organizations: BIOPOLIS Association (BIOPOLIS-CIBIO)

Expertise: Molecular Biology, phylogenetics, evolution
Tools: Databases, Genomics, Genetic analysis
Teams: IBISBA Workflows, GalaxyProject SARS-CoV-2, BioBB Building Blocks, Common Workflow Language (CWL) community, BioExcel Best Practice Guides, Specimen Data Refinery, FAIR Computational Workflows, Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy, TRE-FX, EuroScienceGateway, Biodiversity Genomics Europe (general), BY-COVID Baseline Use Case: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine(s) effectiveness in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection, BY-COVID (general), BioDT additional pipelines, BioDT Use Case Biodiversity dynamics, BioDT Use Case DNA detected biodiversity, poorly known habitats, BioDT Use Case Crop wild relatives and genetic resources for food security, BioDT Use Case Invasive species, BioDT Use Case Endangered species, BioDT Use Case Disease outbreaks, BioDT Use Case Pollinators, BioDT Use Case Ecosystem services, ELIXIR Training, ELIXIR Tools platform
Organizations: The University of Manchester, ELIXIR-UK

This is a general team for the BGE project for any members affiliated directly or indirectly with the BGE project.
To request joining this team, make sure sure your WorkflowHub institution matches one of the listed BGE partners.
Space: Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE)
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Sep 2022
End date: 28th Feb 2026
Organisms: Not specified
The Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy are intended to allow a user to generate high-quality near error-free assemblies of species from a user's own data or from the GenomeArk database
Space: Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE)
Public web page:
Organisms: Not specified
Within the Biodiversity Genomics Europe project, the "High Mountain Systems - Arthropods" case study was designed to evaluate how arthropod communities change along altitudinal gradients in seven selected mountain systems across different countries in Europe, establishing baseline sampling in mountain ranges to track biodiversity shifts associated with climate change. This SOP describes the sampling design and fieldwork methodology for retrieving arthropod bulk samples for metabarcoding analyses. ...
Creators: Laura Najera Cortazar, Sonia Ferreira, Vanessa Mata, Pedro Beja
Submitter: Laura Najera Cortazar
Within the Biodiversity Genomics Europe project, the "Ecological Restoration - Soil" case study was designed to evaluate changes in soil biodiversity during the process of ecological succession, sampling a chronosequence of replicated plots at different stages of restoration since land abandonment. The present SOP describes soil sampling under sterile and cold conditions for metabarcoding analyses. This case study involved sampling four successional stages, represented by specific vegetation types ...
Creators: Laura Najera Cortazar, Albano Beja-Pereira , Pedro Beja
Submitter: Laura Najera Cortazar
Within the Biodiversity Genomics Europe project, the "Pollinator Communities" case study was designed to evaluate pollinator diversity in urban gardens in comparison with agricultural fields, to understand the role of urban habitats for pollinator conservation. This SOP describes the sampling design and Malaise trap fieldwork to retrieve pollinator bulk samples for metabarcoding analysis. This case study involved paired sampling, choosing one large garden and one agricultural field with no more ...
Creators: Laura Najera Cortazar, Sonia Ferreira, Pedro Beja
Submitter: Laura Najera Cortazar
This is a project specific guide for the Bioiversity Genomics Europe (BGE project use of WorkflowHub.
SOP for DNA extraction and Illumina amplicon library preparation of soil core samples collected for the Case Study "Characterization of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Biodiversity from Soil Samples" withing the scope of BGE (Biodiversity Genomics Europe) project.
Creators: Cátia Chaves, Laura Najera Cortazar, Filipa Martins
Submitter: Cátia Chaves
SOP for DNA extraction and Illumina amplicon library preparation of encapsulated water samples collected for the Case Study "Detection of Non-Indigenous Marine Species from Port Water Samples" withing the scope of BGE (Biodiversity Genomics Europe) project.
Creator: Cátia Chaves
Submitter: Cátia Chaves
To make your workflow FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), register it in WorkflowHub, a workflow registry with rich metadata capture for workflow discovery and sharing, and value-added services, for workflow testing (LifeMonitor), execution and publication.
The EuroScienceGateway, Biodiversity Genomics Europe and BioDT projects will use WorkflowHub to organise, share and publish their workflows.
This was Ask Me Anything and Bring Your Own Workflow (AMA & BYOW) specifically ...
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Library curation BOLD
This repository contains scripts and synonymy data for pipelining the automated curation of BOLD data dumps in BCDM TSV ...
Type: Snakemake
Creators: Rutger Vos, Fabian Deister, Ben Price, Special thanks to Sujeevan Ratnasingham and the team at CBG for the creation of the BCDM data exchange format that this pipeline operates on
Submitter: Rutger Vos
HiC scaffolding pipeline
Snakemake pipeline for scaffolding of a genome using HiC reads using yahs.
This pipeine has been tested using Snakemake v7.32.4
and requires conda for installation of required tools. To run the pipline use the command:
snakemake --use-conda --cores N
where N is number of cores to use. There are provided a set of configuration and running scripts for exectution on a slurm queueing system. After configuring the cluster.json
file run:
Purge dups
This snakemake pipeline is designed to be run using as input a contig-level genome and pacbio reads. This pipeline has been tested with snakemake v7.32.4
. Raw long-read sequencing files and the input contig genome assembly must be given in the config.yaml
file. To execute the workflow run:
snakemake --use-conda --cores N
Or configure the cluster.json and run using the ./run_cluster
HiC contact map generation
Snakemake pipeline for the generation of .pretext
and .mcool
files for visualisation of HiC contact maps with the softwares PretextView and HiGlass, respectively.
This pipeine has been tested using Snakemake v7.32.4
and requires conda for installation of required tools. To run the pipline use the command:
snakemake --use-conda
There are provided a set of configuration and running scripts for exectution on a slurm queueing system. After configuring ...
Pipelines used by the genomes assembly teams part of the Biodiversity Genomics Europe project
eDNA Protocols for BGE (Biodiversity Genomics Europe) Work package 6, task 6.2
Collection of workflows designed to assembled a set of PacBio HiFi and Illumina HiC reads into a chromosome-scale de-novo assembly.
Development versions of these pipelines can be found in the ERGA github and any questions or queries can be raised on the ERGA Discussions Channel
Want to find out more about the work done by ERGA? Become a member ...
This is a general collection of workflows used by or developed by members of the BGE project.
The Vertebrate Genomes Pipelines in Galaxy are intended to allow a user to generate high-quality near error-free assemblies of species from a user's own data or from the GenomeArk database.